Welcome to Super.ai for SuperHack 2023!

When we first stumbled upon the OP Stack documentation, we were utterly overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin. We wanted to ask questions but were too embarrassed to take up a sponsor's time, and sometimes we didn't even know what questions to ask. We were close to giving up on this hackathon when we realized: "Hey, maybe this is a problem we can help solve!" Then we realized that this was a problem that wasn't specific to OP Stack, but also existed for other technologies.

This is where we got the inspiration for Super.ai: The easiest way to get started with development on OP Stack, Base, Zora, Mode, and WorldCoin.

Super.ai is a platform-agnostic tool that uses an LLM-driven chatbot to lower the barrier of entry to developing on Optimism, Base, Zora, and Mode! Use it to learn about the SuperChain ecosystem and get code snippets to start building your own dapps!

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